Tengah EC Near West Mall at Bukit Batok MRT Station

The Tengah EC is a new sustainable housing development in Singapore that will see residents save on their utility bills. With the use of data analytics and computer simulations, the design was optimized to create a low-heat environment while utilizing a centralized air-conditioning system. The building’s clever switched-over socks allow the owners to monitor their family’s monthly energy consumption through a mobile phone.

This town is the first “smart town” in Singapore. It is an area that is both a working and living space for people in Western Singapore. The development will have comprehensive communal facilities and is three-quarters the size of Punggol. This explains why it is a good place for young professionals to live and work. In addition to its affordable housing units, the development will be home to several entertainment and education venues.

Tengah EC is located near the bus terminal, the town center, and the upcoming …

Green Solution for Your Home Needs

If you are interested in making your home greener, it is important that you find out as much as you can about green energy solutions. You can start by looking at the options for heating and cooling your home. These have been around for a long time, but they are becoming more sophisticated with the development of newer technologies. In fact, you may be surprised to find that you already have a system in place for heating your home! This type of system will be powered by solar energy and will generate heat and hot water for your home.

Another green solution for heating your home is to install an air conditioning unit in your attic. This is especially good idea if your home has high ceilings or some other problem with the heat reaching the attic. Cooling your home using a green system involves using natural cooling mechanisms such …

Investing in Singapore Real Estate to Take Advantage of Rising Prices

Real estate industry in Singapore is booming and more investors are starting to realize the potential of investing in Singapore properties. Being one of the fastest developing economies of Asia, Singapore already has become a favorite destination for investors from around the globe. Aside from its reputation for being an international business hub, Singapore properties offer a great investment opportunity for people who are looking for stable investment opportunities. Investors do not need to be a millionaire or have a big portfolio to be able to afford a stake in real estate property in Singapore. With its impressive real estate market and favorable economy, it is now easier than ever to own a piece of this lucrative industry.

The country’s property market has undergone major changes with the passage of time. Aside from residential properties, Singapore properties offered by developers have also evolved to include commercial spaces. Condos, townhouses and …